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Writing for publicity

By David Callan

Building your reputation online is one of the most important things you can do to aid the success of your Internet business.

One of the most popular ways among the top Internet gurus to do this is to provide highly useful, interesting and profitable information to people interested in your industry.

When people see you as a provider of good information that they can use and profit from then your reputation and the reputation of your company becomes more credible. When this happens people will be more likely to buy your products and services or indeed the products or services you recommend them.

One of the best and fastest ways to get the name of your company and your own name spread on the web is to begin writing articles for other ezines and websites or indeed just submit previously written articles to them.

If your articles are of good quality and informative then ezine and website publishers will be interested in them and your work could end up being published in endless ezine editions and hundreds of websites.

Not only will this increase your credibility but it could also result in 1000's more visitors, this is because at the end of all your articles which you allow others to publish will be a link back to your site. Don't forget also that if lots of your articles are published on websites then your link popularity will improve drastically. This in turn will result in higher search engine rankings in Google and the other engines which use link popularity as a ranking factor, this of course means lots more visitors and profit.

Take AKA for example, we're only a new site, might be news to some of you but we are. We launched in late April (02) if I remember correctly. We've already had articles published in two of the most popular ezines available for webmasters on the Internet. These are Webpronews and Sitepronews. Our Yahoo submitting tips article was published in Webpronews and our Banner design tips article was published in Sitepronews a week or so later. Update - This article has since been published in Webpronews.

These publications have a lot of subscribers, easily well over a million between them. For our troubles we received a couple of thousand free visitors over the day of publication and for a couple of days after the original publication. All we did was send in two articles which were already published for all our regular visitors to view and read on Hopefully with the above example in mind you can begin to realize the power of writing and distributing articles for others to use over the web. Hence this article is your guide to getting published on the web.

First of all you've got to make sure your article is properly formatted. By this I mean readable, if it's not readable then it doesn't matter how good your article is because no busy ezine publisher will bother to format it for you, that's your job.

Before we continue I've to admit that I have fallen down on this point. Recently I submitted to article_annouce a Yahoo group for you guessed it announcing your article to ezine publishers and other people looking for content. Article_annouce is the biggest group of its kind on the web with over 2000 members. Unfortunately Shelley Lowery the group moderator emailed me a while later saying my Yahoo submitting tips article was rejected. It turns out that the copy I sent to her was unformatted and all over the place. This is the same informative article that Webpronews editors felt was good enough to send out to over 800,000 subscribers, so it was a good article. However it wasn't formatted so it wasn't accepted and nobody in that group got to see it, that time anyway (it was accepted a few days later).

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